Hellfire Page 32
“It’s a sign.”
“What kind of sign?”
“That she’s now part of our lives, whether we want her in or not.”
Jen slipped her arm under Mitchell’s and pulled him in close. “Well, I, for one, don’t like the idea of another lady taking an interest in my man.”
“You needn’t worry, Jen. You’re the only woman I love.”
Jen smiled. “Yeah well, I think it’s about time that you proved it. I want to go somewhere warm where I can lie on the beach all day long. As soon as we get home, I’m going to book us a couple of tickets to Jamaica for the holidays, and you’re paying.”
“Wonderful,” muttered Mitchell under his breath.
“I heard that.”
Mitchell stood there staring out at the falling snow. Their world had just changed. Where things were going to lead, Mitchell had no idea. All he knew was that that there would be no going back to the way things used to be.